I really appreciate this post. And so lovely to hear how the family has had so much support, and another reminder that self-care is indeed community care.

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Thanks Sarah! So true that we find self-care in the arms of our community!

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May 14Liked by Serena Menken

I appreciated this so much. My spouse and I, new parents ourselves, were both blessed by it, especially the wisdom about learning to regulate ourselves so we can help our children regulate themselves in turn.

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Thanks Nicole! So glad it was helpful to you guys! Those same principles are so applicable with a new baby, right?

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Never underestimate the impact any of us can have on another - especially a child.

“There are certain adults in Ben’s life who feel like angels. At the treatment center, Ben had a Taiwanese therapist who really understood him. His percussion teacher is an older man who believes in him. Judy, the tutor, adores Ben and won’t let us pay her. So many blessings.”

Thank you for writing this. 🙏

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Thanks James! What a great point - we never know what a difference we make when we invest in someone else! And often it’s probably more than we realized!

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