Jun 25Liked by Serena Menken

Thank you for all of this learning you have taken the time to share 🙏

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Aww thanks Nelly! :)

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It's good for me to remember that there have been blessings that came with the hard stuff--thank you. I'm less reactive than I used to be (though I'm still working on that); I feel like I can stand back a little instead of leaping straight into emotions/fear. The downside of that is too much compartmentalizing--I won't give myself time to grieve until it's built up way too much. Finding that balance would be a great next step for me.

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Margaret, thanks for sharing this. So glad you can celebrate progress - and being less reactive/ more detached is huge! I feel like I am still very much in process with some things, like letting go of control, but getting a bit better. I love that vision for you of finding more balance - with you in the journey!

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Letting go of control—sigh. This is so, so hard for me. Or rather, the illusion of control.

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Exactly…. and yes, it’s so hard to disentangle myself from my kids and their activity and outcomes!

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So good, Serena. And so wise to think back to what walking with your daughter through crisis has given you, not just what it has taken. You’re making me think about that too. I want to take stock of how God has worked through our son’s health struggles over the years. One thing that comes to mind immediately is following his lead on responses to news about his health. Trying not to put my anxiety on him, when he is perfectly calm about new diagnoses. And leaning into community for prayer and support when I can’t find the words to pray.

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I love those ideas, Elizabeth! I'm going to try to put those into practice myself, especially not putting my anxiety on my daughter and mirroring her response if she is calm (and staying calm myself if she isn't). And yes to leaning into community for support and prayer when life feels so hard! thanks for sharing.

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